A loyal client since the beginning, Travis Daniels speaks on this episode about the many photo restorations we have completed for him, and how it is has helped to complete the vision he had for a family history wall project in his residence. His immediate family is from Waco, but his mother's side of the family is from East Texas; a little town outside of Mexia, called Cotton Gin, (near Teague). He found us through a Radio Announcement, and just stopped by. We were excited about his project idea and got started on it right away.

Travis recalls working at the cotton gin as kid, with his family & has some amazing photo of his grandparents, working in the field. His grandfather was a farmer, and had two properties - one in Cotton Gin, and the other in Prairie Hill (just outside of Coolidge), in Texas. The family would spend part of the year in one location, and the other at the second property. His grandfather also ran Greyhound dogs as a hobby. Education was the most important thing to his grandmother, and she made sure that her children all received proper schooling and took their studies seriously - a mentality that has trickled down to later generations, and is evident when speaking to Travis. I also had the pleasure of meeting one of his siblings, Virginia & produced duplicate copies of the photo restorations. While he claims that, "The proof is in the pudding, because the women in the family are much smarter than the men...", we know that he's being humble, as Travis himself, is a great example of what a good upbringing can do for someone.
Beaming with pride, he tells the story of his kids and grandkids coming over, and asking questions about the people in the photos on the wall. After all, restoring photos goes so much deeper, beyond just improving upon an image - this services helps to preserve memories of the loved ones in our family. Travis encourages anyone considering photo restoration, or even bulk digitization (putting lots of old family photos into digital format), to take action and get the process started! "You won't regret it.", he proclaims. Photo restorations are something people only ever regret not doing. Family (& education) are what Travis reveres as most important.

Travis is particularly grateful for the photos of his mother that we have restored for him. His favorite image is the photo from her obituary, one of her holding a dog-shaped cookie jar (one of the items in her prized collection). We restored the photo and also worked with Travis to colorize the photo, by having him tell us about her eye & hair color, etc. - something no Ai technology can ever achieve. It's only by working directly with our clients, that we are able to bring the vision in their mind of their loved ones, into a new light & give them new life in a sense.

Another photo that he is particularly fond of, is the restoration we did of his paternal grandfather - which was a challenge for sure, but everyone is so happy with how it turned out & it's always such an honor to see the reactions when people see the restored photos for the first time.
When we get the opportunity to work on multiple photos for a family, it begins to feel like we really know them as people, and throughout the process of restoring the images, and hearing the stories behind people in the photos, we can't help but feel a bond with our clients, as in the case with Travis. We are honored to have been able to learn about his family history, and preserve photos as well as memories in story-form for future generations to come.
Below are some (but not all) other restorations that have been completed for Travis' project:
To listen to the full podcast episode, click here.
